Galaxy - Mobile CB Radios


Galaxy (DX 929) - Transceiver With StarLite Face Plate, Large Meter, Talk Back, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios

Galaxy (DX 949) - Transceiver With Large Meter, Talk Back, Clarifier, Tone Control, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/USB/LSB/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios

Galaxy (DX 959) - Transceiver With Frequency Counter, Large Meter, Talk Back, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/USB/LSB/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios

Galaxy (DX 959B) - Transceiver With StarLite Face Plate, Frequency Counter, Large Meter, Talk Back, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/USB/LSB/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios

Galaxy (DX 979) - Transceiver With StarLite Face Plate, Talk Back, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/USB/LSB/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios

~Galaxy (DX 939) - Transceiver With StarLite Face Plate, Frequency Counter, Large Meter, Talk Back, High SWR Alert Circuit, AM/PA, 40 Channel, Mobile CB Radios