Galaxy (DX 949) - Transceiver With Large Meter, Talk
Back, Clarifier, Tone Control, High SWR Alert Circuit,
AM/USB/LSB/PA, 40 Channel
The DX949 has many impressive features including a large
easy-to-read Galaxy meter, talkback, clarifier, tone
control, and SSB capability.
Galaxy - Amateur and CB Radios
Features and Specifications:
- Mobile CB Radio
- AM/USB/LSB/PA, but no FM
- 40 Channels
- AM 4 Watt; USB/LSB 12 Watt PEP
- 7 7/8" (W) x 9 1/4" (D) x 2 1/8" (H) -
5.5 lbs.
- Large, easy-to-read meter with 4 scales
- Signal Strength
- RF Output Power
- SWR Level
- AM Modulation Level
- Color of Meter Lamp: White
- Color of Channel Digits: Green
- Chassis Size: Full
- Microphone Jack Location: Side
- Talkback with On/Off switch: Variable
- Variable Power Output
- Automatic SWR Circuit
- High SWR Alert Circuit
- Variable Dimmer Control
- Clarifier Control
- Roger Beep
- NB and ANL Noise Circuits
- Receive (RF) Gain Control
- Mic Gain Control
- Jacks for PA and External Speaker
- Jack for External Frequency Counter
- Complete Service Manual Online
- Specifications:
- General:
- Model: DX 949
- Channels: 40
- Frequency Range: 26.965 - 27.405 MHz
- Emission: AM/USB/LSB
- Frequency Control: Phase-Lock-Loop (PLL)
- Frequency Stability: 0.001%
- Temperature Range: -30C to +50C
- Antenna Impedance: 50 Ohms
- Speaker Impedance: 8 Ohms
- Antenna Connectors: Standard SO-239 type
- Input Voltage: 13.8V DC
- Size: 7 7/8" (W) x 9 1/4" (D) x 2
1/8" (H)
- Weight: 5.5 lbs.
- Meter: Illuminated; RF Output Power, Antenna
SWR, Receive Signal Strength, Modulation %
- Transmitter:
- RF Power Output: AM 4 Watt; USB/LSB 12 Watt
- Spurious Emission: Better than -55 dB
- Unwanted Sideband: Better than -55 dB
- Frequency Tolerance: 0.005%
- Frequency Response: 300 to 2500 Hz
- Microphone: Dynamic
- Receiver:
- Sensitivity for 10 dB (S+N)/N: AM: < 0.5
microV; USB/LSB: < 0.25 microV
- Squelch Sensitivity: < 0.5 microV
- Image Rejection: -65 dB
- Clarifier Range: +/- 1.0 KHz
- AGC Figure of Merit: 100 mV for 10 dB Change
in Audio Output
- Audio Power Output: 2W @ 10% Distortion
- Audio Response: 300 to 2500 Hz
- Contents:
- CB Mobile Galaxy DX 949 Radio
- 4 Pin Dynamic Microphone
- DC Power Cord
- Mounting Bracket with Hardware
- Microphone Hanger with Hardware
- User's Manual
- UPC 0656955109499
- Color: Black
- Manufacturer's Limited Warranty - 2 Year(s)
- Sold: Each
Galaxy (DX 949) - Transceiver With Large Meter
Please Note:
- This Selection Is Galaxy (DX 949) ONLY.
- Manufacturer's product specifications,
packaging and limited warranties (if applicable) are
subject to change.
- Images are solely for illustrative purposes and may
reflect multiple items or multiple views of a single
- This Item Is Sold: Each